Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blog Choice

Please check out the link to the "Top 20 Blog Types" Web page (in the sidebar). The site provides 20 different types of blogs that you can create. You may choose one of the types of blogs and discuss any topic you wish. The main criteria for this blog is that it must be completed by the end of this class. It is an impromptu piece of writing (in preparation for the provincial exam). Please be as creative, or informative as possible. Use the highest level of vocabulary, and written expression that you can.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Top 3

Today's blog challenge is to choose the top 3 (of anything) and justify your choice. You may choose the top three hockey players of all time, the greatest musicians, the top three reasons to do something...the possibilities are endless. Here is a suggested sequence of events for the blog:

1. Choose your topic

2. Choose the criteria you are using to make your choices, and explain it to the reader. For example, if you are ranking the top three hockey players, how are you choosing to judge them? Points scored? Plus/minus rating? Years in the league? Stanley Cups won?

3. Type your blog out by first explaining the topic you have chosen, and the criteria for your choices. Then state each of your top three choices, and dedicate approximately a paragraph to each one that justifies why it deserves the ranking you gave it. As always, formal language and proper spelling and grammar applies.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? Justify why you have chosen your particular gift, and rejected all others. OR You may choose to match any two superheroes together (Superman vs. Spiderman) and justify who would win in a battle. Remember to give EVIDENCE to support your opinion.

Blog Introduction

Blogs offer students a chance to easily read each others' ideas, as well as draw from internet resources. They also provide a different option for written expression. Please remember the following guidelines for blog use.

1. Everything you write on your blog must be considered PUBLIC. Do not include ANY information or opinions on your blog that you would not be comfortable with anyone else (in or outside the class) reading.

2. Please follow the proper expectations for writing in English 12. It is natural for students to become careless in their writing when working in an internet environment. However, in order for these blogs to be effective, proper grammar, punctuation, and appropriate word choice must be used at all times.