Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Creative Hour

Your goal is to create a minimum of 300 words in one hour on one of the following topics. You may use a dictionary or thesaurus. You must do your best with the time you have! Hand in what you have finished after exactly one hour. Write with the highest level of diction and creativity that you can!

1. Weave a story that includes this headline: “Giant Flies Invade Norway!”
2. Take the first line of a nursery rhyme to start your story.
3. Write about someone you would love to see put in jail.
4. Erica Jong said, “If you don’t risk anything, you risk more”. Write about what this means to you.
5. Write about a good thing gone bad.
6. Write about a weird day in your workplace.
7. In 300 words, create your ideal place.
8. Use the following words in a story: hypocrite, paperclip, city, telephone, cookie jar
9. List 10 things you can do with Kleenex. Pick one and write about it.
10. Take two people who strongly dislike each other. Stick them both in the backseat of a cab. What happens?
11. What is the worst meal you have had? Write about it as if it is taking place right now.
12. Write about a habit you find hard to break.
13. Use the prompt “I used to think…” as your starter, and write 300 words.
14. The best thing in life is…
15. For 90 seconds, list everything you can think of that would be found in a hospital. Now write a story using every word you have listed, but don’t set your story anywhere near a hospital.
16. List 10 things you will never do. Pick one and expand on it (Or expand on 3 different things to make up 300 words)
17. Cook up your own version of a get rich quick scheme.
18. If an ATM could be custom created for you, what would it spew out instead of money?
19. Complete the statement: “I’d walk a mile for_____________” and continue to write about it.
20. Create a story based on this personification: “love hesitates”.
21. Come up with ten reasons why you should skip bathing for a week.
22. Create a story based on the metaphor: “A plate of fear”
23. I deserve a______________.
24. For 300 words write from the point of view of a strand of hair.
25. Write a story from the perspective of the parents who tried to sell their newborn baby on the Internet for $10,000.
26. In 300 words, describe 3 reasons to turn down a marriage proposal.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A case for censorship?

Please read the article "The Limits of Kid Lit". State the theme of this article. Then watch the video (in the sidebar) on issues with anonymity on the internet. In 300-400 words answer the question: "Is there ever a need for censorship?". Please reference at least one of the texts and provide 3 specific examples (2 may be from different sources besides these two texts) that support your argument. If you are having trouble framing your argument, consider the following: What are some examples of censorship being harmful? What are some examples of complete freedom and anonymity being harmful?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Perception is everything

Watch the following presentation by Beau Otto on optical illusions (website link is in the sidebar). Comment on the ultimate purpose of his presentation, and make connections to other issues besides the physical ones he is presenting. The presentation is 16 minutes long.

Your assignment is to state the theme of his presentation and connect it to TWO other issues besides the physical ones that he is presenting. You may connect it to a current event, something in your own life, or something you have read in a book or watched in a movie. Please give specific details about how you are linking your connections to this presentation.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Novel Journal Entry

I am only assigning 1 journal entry for the novel unit, and I usually find this one of the most interesting assignments as I get to have a bit of a dialogue with you about your novel. Please keep the following in mind when it comes to journal writing:

1. Writing in response to reading without a goal of deeper understanding is a waste of time (yours and mine)
2. Your goals are to:a) personalize the story (make it more meaningful for you) b) gain insights about characters c) see the world in a different way
3. The main point of journal writing is to clarify your thoughts by committing your thinking to paper. Please choose a quote or a passage from your novel (include page number) and explain the connection you have made to it. How does the connection you have made help you understand more about the book?

Today you need to post your own journal entry, and respond to one other people in your LIT circle group. As always, proper grammar, spelling, punctuation etc. applies. Finally, make sure you are linked to everyone else who is reading the same novel.

Please include your novel title in your blog title. Example: Journal #1: The Kite Runner

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Road Less Traveled

How important is it to you that you find a career that you are passionate about? Read the article ""Why Dream Jobs Don't Come True" (in the sidebar under "Important Websites" ) and watch Paul Potts' performance on "Britain Has Talent" (he was the original Susan Boyle).This link is also in the sidebar. I am no fan of opera but the message is pretty clear: don't settle for a job that doesn't make you happy, especially if you have interests or talents that lie somewhere else. How can you NOT cheer for this guy? I read a quote one time (couldn't tell you who wrote it), and it said: "Do What You Love, The Rest Comes". Imagine yourself spending eight hours a day, for 30-40 years of your life doing something that you aren't interested in, or even worse...that makes you miserable. One thing I did notice in the newspaper article though, is that two main reasons why people don't end up in their dream job are lack of job availability, and lack of education. The truth is, if you want a job that inspires you and gives you the lifestyle that you want, you just might have to work your butt off a little to get yourself qualified! Think about some of the careers that you want (and the daily life that you want), and then start taking the steps to get yourself there. Don't back down because it might require a lot of education or training. It is worth it to invest in a career path that you will love.

On a side note: My first choices in career were: Vancouver Canucks player (age 2), Firefighter (age 4).

So here is your task for this blog post...

1) Do you believe it is important to be passionate about your job? Think about adults you know well, and how they feel about their jobs.
2) What are you going to do with the rest of your life (career wise) and how are you going to get there? (Yes, it is certainly ok if you don't have concrete plans, but at least write about a possible path you could take).

Monday, March 29, 2010


Your blog topic today is to write a review for a book, movie, television series, song, album, product, video game, website, or for the performance of your favourite sports team this season. Below are some tips on how to approach your review. For more details you can go to the sites that these ideas were taken from. Links to both sites are on this blog under "helpful websites". You are allowed to write a positive or a negative review. If you want to see an example of a very creative review then look under "Websites of Interest" for "Sample Blog: Review".

1. Know what a review is. A review is not a recap of a TV episode or the plot of a book. It isn't just listing the different features in a PC game or what songs are on a new CD. Those things might be included in your review, but they are not the main event. Writing critically means you must tell people what is good or bad about your subject matter, and you need to provide specific evidence to back up your opinion.

2. As yourself "what does the reader want to know"? Think of the questions that a reader is likely to ask themselves about a movie, book, or song.

3. Decide on the overall point that you want to get across to the reader. Decide on an overall basic opinion of the product, such as "A hilarious, if overly long movie. Just don't expect anything groundbreaking"...and use this as a frame for your review. Hang everything else off this one idea. How does the movie's acting influence this opinion? Why isn't the plot that groundbreaking?

4. Don't write about yourself; the review is about the band, book, movie, or whatever you're reviewing.

5. Ask yourself, "what makes my review unique?" What is your unique selling point for this particular "product"?

6. Compare to other similar products, but not too much!

7. Be specific. What is unique about the experience of watching this movie, cheering for this team, reading this novel, or listening to this band?

8. Don't be afraid to state the obvious. Your readers might not be as familiar with your subject as you are. Don't be afraid to give a little extra description about things that you already know.

9. Be honest.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Creative Pursuits

You have a choice of two tasks for today's blog:

Your first option is to work on descriptive writing, specifically using as much imagery as possible. First, you must find a picture on the internet. Find something that you can translate into words (something with movement or colour or emotion) and then describe it in AS MUCH DETAIL as you can. Don't just describe what you see. Fill in the gaps and add tastes, sounds, and textures. Imagine that the reader does not have the picture in front of them, and yet you must make them feel as if they are in that photo. When you are finished, please look at at least 2 other classmates' blogs, and comment on them. See the link in the sidebar for an example of an excellent blog post on this topic.

Your second option is to create a random piece of creative writing. In the sidebar are links to two websites with hundreds of creative writing prompts. Choose one of them, and start writing. Of course, if this is too restrictive, you may write on a topic of your choice.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blog Choice

Please check out the link to the "Top 20 Blog Types" Web page (in the sidebar). The site provides 20 different types of blogs that you can create. You may choose one of the types of blogs and discuss any topic you wish. The main criteria for this blog is that it must be completed by the end of this class. It is an impromptu piece of writing (in preparation for the provincial exam). Please be as creative, or informative as possible. Use the highest level of vocabulary, and written expression that you can.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Top 3

Today's blog challenge is to choose the top 3 (of anything) and justify your choice. You may choose the top three hockey players of all time, the greatest musicians, the top three reasons to do something...the possibilities are endless. Here is a suggested sequence of events for the blog:

1. Choose your topic

2. Choose the criteria you are using to make your choices, and explain it to the reader. For example, if you are ranking the top three hockey players, how are you choosing to judge them? Points scored? Plus/minus rating? Years in the league? Stanley Cups won?

3. Type your blog out by first explaining the topic you have chosen, and the criteria for your choices. Then state each of your top three choices, and dedicate approximately a paragraph to each one that justifies why it deserves the ranking you gave it. As always, formal language and proper spelling and grammar applies.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be, and why? Justify why you have chosen your particular gift, and rejected all others. OR You may choose to match any two superheroes together (Superman vs. Spiderman) and justify who would win in a battle. Remember to give EVIDENCE to support your opinion.

Blog Introduction

Blogs offer students a chance to easily read each others' ideas, as well as draw from internet resources. They also provide a different option for written expression. Please remember the following guidelines for blog use.

1. Everything you write on your blog must be considered PUBLIC. Do not include ANY information or opinions on your blog that you would not be comfortable with anyone else (in or outside the class) reading.

2. Please follow the proper expectations for writing in English 12. It is natural for students to become careless in their writing when working in an internet environment. However, in order for these blogs to be effective, proper grammar, punctuation, and appropriate word choice must be used at all times.